Through an intermediary of a joint venture with the Brazilian Association of Electrical and Electronic Industry (ABINEE) and the Brazilian Export Promotion and Investment Agency (APEX), KRJ participates in the FISE International Fair of the Electric Sector. The FISE fair is a commercial exhibition, biennial of the electric industry, carried out in Medellín in Colombia since 2006, in which all the companies of the national and international chain of the electric industry meet. FISE fair is an ideal platform to promote and renew strategic alliances that allow for the strengthening and strengthening of two businesses in the medium and long term and with a great promise for all of Latin America.
During the fair, Brazilian companies will have the opportunity to export their products and services, participate in a business trip, visit the main non-country players and include guided tours in Feira. The executive of KRJ, Marcelo Mendes and engineer Eduardo Hirano, who participated in the event, will report on the realization of several new and promising new merchants who will contribute to the expansion of a non-international company.